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Thursday, 14 November 2013

When you send an email to somebody, the outgoing message might generally include the ip address of your computer that was used to send that message. The ip address is enclosed within the message header and, if available, it can help the recipient trace the approximate geographic location of the sender.

Not all email providers include the sender’s ip address in the outgoing email messages.

For instance, Gmail omits the sender’s ip address if you send mails through Gmail’s web site or through Gmail’s mobile apps but the ip address gets enclosed if you utilize a third-party program – like Microsoft Outlook or the Mail App on your iPhone – to send the message through your Gmail account. Outlook.com also hides the sender’s ip address whereas Yahoo Mail includes that data in the outgoing message headers.

If you would like to know if your email client is revealing your ip address to the recipients or not, you'll either send an email to yourself and look at the message headers however if that sounds alittle too technical, give emailipleak.com a try.

When you open the site in your browser, it find your computer’s ip address and creates a unique email address for you. needed required to send a blank message from your email client to that address. when the message arrives, the tool appearance for your ip address in the headers of the incoming message and alerts you if a match is found.

The site’s privacy policy says that it does not collect any user data and therefore the info is discarded immediately after any results pages are created.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Codify Magazine Blogger Template:

Codify Magazine Blogger template may be a quick loading and seo optimized blogger template specially developed and designed for coding Blogs , blogging niche and different related niches.The Author  of this Magazine style Blogger template is Ali Bajwa who is the owner of  Templateify.

Downtown Blogger Template:

Downtown Blogger template is a fantastic blogger template ideal for news ,and tech niche webs.This template has wordpress look and delightful slide-s model has widget below header.This template has four columns footer and impressive drop-down menu that makes it additional interesting template.You Can get it free from Our blog.

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